Paper 524 - Session title: Ocean Processes
11:10 Footprints on rain on the sea seen on C-band synthetic aperture radar images - revisited
Alpers, Werner (1); Zhang, Biao (2); Mouche, Alexis (3); Zeng, Kan (4); Chan, Pak Wai (5) 1: University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 2: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China; 3: IFREMER, Plouzané, France; 4: Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China; 5: Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong
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Paper 546 - Session title: Ocean Processes
10:50 Rainfall Imprint on Sea Surface Salinity in the ITCZ: new satellite perspectives
Boutin, Jacqueline (1); Supply, Alexandre (2); Viltard, Nicolas (1); Martin, Nicolas (1); Vergely, Jean-Luc (3); Hénocq, Claire (3); Reverdin, Gilles (1) 1: CNRS, France; 2: UPMC; 3: ACRI-st
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Paper 926 - Session title: Ocean Processes
10:30 Sea surface salinity for cold waters with SMOS
Estrella, Olmedo (1,2); Gabarro, Carolina (1,2); Ballabrera, Joaquim (1,2); Martinez, Justino (1,2); Gonzalez-Gambau, Veronica (1,2); Turiel, Antonio (1,2); Portabella, Marcos (1,2) 1: ICM-CSIC, Spain; 2: SMOS-BEC, Spain
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Paper 1497 - Session title: Ocean Processes
10:10 The other CO2 problem from a different angle: Studying Ocean Acidification using satellite Earth observation
Shutler, Jamie (1); Land, Peter (2); Findlay, Helen (2); Girard-Ardhuin, Fanny (3); Piolle, Jean-Francois (3); Reul, Nicolas (3); Chapron, Bertrand (3); Quilfen, Yves (3); Salisbury, Joseph (4); Vandemark, Doug (4); Bellerby, Richard (5); Bhadury, Punyasloke (6); Ashton, Ian (1); Sabia, Roberto (7); Fernandez, Diego (7) 1: University of Exeter, United Kingdom; 2: Plymouth Marine Laboratory; 3: IFREMER, France; 4: University of New Hampshire; 5: Norwegian Institute for Water Research; 6: Indian Institute of Science education and research Kolkata; 7: ESA
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Paper 1603 - Session title: Ocean Processes
11:30 Combination of multivariate satellite and in situ observations provides new insight on the 3D dynamics along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Buongiorno Nardelli, Bruno (1); Droghei, Riccardo (1); Santoleri, Rosalia (1); Rio, Marie-Helene (1,2); Cotroneo, Yuri (3); Zambianchi, Enrico (3) 1: ISAC-CNR, Italy; 2: CLS, France; 3: Università Parthenope, Napoli, Italy
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