Paper 629 - Session title: Subsidence/Landslides 2
16:20 Are we drowning? A case study of land subsidence over Thyborøn, Denmark, from ERS and Sentinel-1 imagery and high-precision leveling measurements
Levinsen, Joanna (1); Broge, Niels (1); Sorensen, Carlo (1); Dehls, John (2); Marinkovic, Petar (3); Larsen, Yngvar (4) 1: Danish Geodata Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark; 2: Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway; 3: PPO.Labs, Den Haag, the Netherlands; 4: Northern Research Institute, Tromsø, Norway
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Paper 960 - Session title: Subsidence/Landslides 2
15:20 The application of the Intermittent SBAS (ISBAS) InSAR method over rural areas
Novellino, Alessandro (1); Sowter, Andrew (2); Cigna, Francesca (3); Jordan, Colm (3); Syafiudin, Moh Fifik (2); Bateson, Luke (3); Marsh, Stuart (2); Bykov, Yuri (1); Ramondini, Massimo (4); Calcaterra, Domenico (4) 1: Geomatic Ventures Limited, Nottingham, United Kingdom; 2: University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom; 3: British Geological Survey, Keyworth, United Kingdom; 4: University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
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Paper 1628 - Session title: Subsidence/Landslides 2
15:40 Comparison Stripmap Cosmos Skymed X-band and TOPS Sentinel-1 C-band in estimating ground subsidence using Irstea TomoSAR toolkit: Ho Chi Minh City case study
Ho Tong Minh, Dinh (1); Vuong, Quoc Viet (2); Le, Van Trung (2) 1: IRSTEA, France; 2: Geomatics Center, International Technology Park, HCMC National University, Vietnam
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Paper 2736 - Session title: Subsidence/Landslides 2
16:00 InSAR measurement of precursor and post-collapse sinkhole subsidence
Holley, Rachel; McCormack, Harry; Larkin, Hayley; Wooster, Michael; Thomas, Adam NPA Satellite Mapping, CGG, United Kingdom
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Subsidence/Landslides 2
Back2016-05-11 15:20 - 2016-05-11 17:00
Chairs: Wegmüller, Urs - Perski, Zbigniew