Paper 621 - Session title: Sea Ice 2
13:50 Modeled sea ice thickness enhanced by remote sensing data
Similä, Markku Henrik; Mäkynen, Marko; Karvonen, Juha; Gegiuc, Alexandru; Gierisch, Andrea Fnnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
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Paper 1076 - Session title: Sea Ice 2
14:30 Complementarity between altimetry and SAR imagery for lead detection
Guillot, Amandine (1); Longépé, Nicolas (2); Poisson, Jean-Christophe (2); Picot, Nicolas (1); Boy, François (1); Thibaut, Pierre (2); Fleury, Sara (3); Zakharova, Elena (3); Guerreiro, Kevin (3); Rémy, Frédérique (3) 1: CNES; 2: CLS; 3: LEGOS
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Paper 1924 - Session title: Sea Ice 2
14:10 Sea ice drift and deformation in the Arctic Ocean north of Svalbard from SAR imagery and buoy array data
Itkin, Polona (1); King, Jennifer (1); Spreen, Gunnar (2); Kræmer, Thomas (3); Hughes, Nick (4); Gerland, Sebastian (1); Haapala, Jari (5) 1: Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway; 2: University Bremen, Germany; 3: Tromsø University, Norway; 4: Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway; 5: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
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Paper 2092 - Session title: Sea Ice 2
13:30 Improvement of L-band sea ice thickness retrieval algorithm using Active and Passive data fusion
Miernecki, Maciej; Kaleschke, Lars University of Hamburg, Germany
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Paper 2448 - Session title: Sea Ice 2
13:10 Variability in the extent and thickness of multiyear ice in the Arctic Ocean
Farrell, Sinead Louise (1,2); Newman, Thomas (1,2); Hutchings, Jenny (3); Kuhn, John M. (2); Duncan, Kyle (1,2); Richter-Menge, Jacqueline (4) 1: University of Maryland, United States of America; 2: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, United States of America; 3: Oregon State University, United States of America; 4: USACE Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, United States of America
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