Paper 540 - Session title: Snow 2: Sea Ice
08:00 Evaluation of Operation IceBridge Snow Depth Estimates on Sea Ice
Howell, Stephen (1); King, Joshua (1); Derksen, Chris (1); Rutter, Nick (2); Toose, Peter (1); Beckers, Justin (3); Haas, Christian (4); Kurtz, Nathan (5); Richter-Menge, Jacqueline (6) 1: Environment Canada, Canada; 2: Northumbria University, United Kingdom; 3: Universtiy of Alberta, Canada; 4: York University, Canada; 5: NASA Goddard, USA; 6: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, USA
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Paper 664 - Session title: Snow 2: Sea Ice
09:00 Algorithms to retrieve the sea ice and snow optical characteristics from satellite optical observations
Zege, Eleonora (1); Malinka, Aleksey (1); Katsev, Iosif (1); Prikhach, Alexander (1); Heygster, Georg (2); Istomina, Larisa (2) 1: Institute of Physics, NAS of Belarus, Belarus; 2: Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany
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Paper 1965 - Session title: Snow 2: Sea Ice
09:20 Melt pond fraction and spectral sea ice albedo retrieval from MERIS data: validation, case studies, trends
Istomina, Larysa (1); Marks, Henrik (1); Heygster, Georg (1); Huntemann, Marcus (1); Schwarz, Pascal (2); Birnbaum, Gerit (3); Scharien, Randall (4); Polashenski, Christopher (5); Perovich, Donald (5); Melsheimer, Christian (1); Zege, Eleonora (6); Malinka, Aleksey (6); Prikhach, Aleksander (6); Katsev, Ilja (6) 1: Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany; 2: Department of Environmental Meteorology, University of Trier, Trier, Germany; 3: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany; 4: Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada; 5: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Engineer Research and Development Center, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA; 6: B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
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Paper 2099 - Session title: Snow 2: Sea Ice
08:40 Snow thickness maps for Arctic sea ice retrieved from SMOS brightness temperatures: Comparison with airborne measurements from March/April 2011 to 2015
Maaß, Nina; Kaleschke, Lars; Tian-Kunze, Xiangshan University of Hamburg, Germany
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Paper 2545 - Session title: Snow 2: Sea Ice
08:20 Recent Advances in Determining Snow Depth on Sea Ice Using Radar Altimetry
Newman, Thomas (1); John, Brozena (2); David, Ball (3); John, Paden (4); Farrell, Sinead (1); Jacqueline, Richter-Menge (5) 1: University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States; 2: US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States; 3: Exelis Inc, Herndon, VA, United States; 4: University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States; 5: CRREL, Hanover, NH, United States
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