Paper 531 - Session title: Snow 1: Land
15:40 The role of remotely sensed datasets in the characterization of northern hemisphere snow water equivalent
Derksen, Chris (1); Mudryk, Lawrence (2); Luojus, Kari (3); Brown, Ross (1) 1: Climate Research Division, Environment Canada; 2: Department of Physics, University of Toronto; 3: Arctic Research Center, Finnish Meteorological Institute
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Paper 584 - Session title: Snow 1: Land
16:40 Cryospheric albedo from Sentinel-3 and -2
Box, Jason Eric (1); Kokhanovsky, Alexander (2); Heygster, Georg (3); Istomina, Larysa (3); Høyer, Jacob (4); Riihelä, Aku (5); Dumont, Marie (6); Picard, Ghislain (7); Solberg, Rune (8); Paul, Frank (9); Hubbard, Alun (10); Perovich, Don (11); Aoki, Teruo (12); Key, Jeff (13) 1: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark; 2: European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), Darmstadt, Germany; 3: Institut für Umweltphysik (IUP), Universität Bremen, Germany; 4: Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI), Copenhagen, Denmark; 5: Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland; 6: Metéo France–CNRS/CNRM-GAME/CEN, Grenoble, France; 7: Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement (LGGE), Grenoble, France; 8: Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, Norway; 9: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 10: Aberystwyth University, Wales; 11: CRREL, USA; 12: Meteorological Research Institute, Japan; 13: National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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Paper 857 - Session title: Snow 1: Land
16:00 Influence of Snow Cover on L-band Passive Microwave Observations: Implications for Retrieval of Snow and Soil Parameters
Lemmetyinen, Juha (1); Schwank, Mike (2,3); Rautiainen, Kimmo (1); Kontu, Anna (1); Parkkinen, Tiina (1); Mätzler, Christian (3); Wiesmann, Andreas (3); Wegmüller, Urs (3); Derksen, Chris (4); Toose, Peter (4); Roy, Alexandre (5); Pulliainen, Jouni (1) 1: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland; 2: Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL; 3: GAMMA Remote Sensing and Consulting AG; 4: Environment Canada; 5: University of Sherbrooke
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Paper 1137 - Session title: Snow 1: Land
16:20 The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Experiment – SnowPEx
Nagler, Thomas (1); Bippus, Gabriele (1); Derksen, Chris (2); Fernandes, Richard (3); Luojus, Kari (4); Mattila, Olli-Pekka (5); Metsämäki, Sari (5); Ripper, Elisabeth (1); Rott, Helmut (1); Solberg, Rune (6); Bojkov, Bojan (7); Burini, Alessandro (7) 1: ENVEO IT GmbH, Austria; 2: Environment Canada, Canada; 3: CCRS, Canada; 4: Finnish Environment Institute, Finland; 5: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland; 6: Norwegian Computing Center, Norway; 7: ESA / ESRIN
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Paper 2147 - Session title: Snow 1: Land
15:20 Wet Snow Mapping with Spaceborne Radar Constellations
Small, David (1); Jonas, Tobias (2); Jaeger, David (1); Miranda, Nuno (3); Bojkov, Bojan (3); Rohner, Christoph (1); Schubert, Adrian (1) 1: Remote Sensing Laboratories, Dept. of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 2: Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland; 3: ESA, Frascati, Italy
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