Paper 1260 - Session title: Permafrost and Freshwater Ice
14:10 Joint Multi-stack InSAR for Permafrost Monitoring
Eppler, Jayson; Kubanski, Mike; Sharma, Jayanti; Busler, Jennifer MDA Systems Ltd., Canada
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Paper 1323 - Session title: Permafrost and Freshwater Ice
13:10 Development of lake ice cover extent products from MODIS and VIIRS data
Duguay, Claude (1,2); Kang, Kyung-Kuk (1,2); Luo, Yi (3) 1: University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada; 2: H2O Geomatics, Waterloo, Canada; 3: Canadian Ice Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada
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Paper 1945 - Session title: Permafrost and Freshwater Ice
14:30 Global detection of soil freezing and thawing with regional resolution enhancement
Rautiainen, Kimmo (1); Smolander, Tuomo (1); Lemmetyinen, Juha (1); Schwank, Mike (2); Cohen, Juval (1); Ikonen, Jaakko (1); Derksen, Chris (3); Roy, Alexandre (4); Drusch, Matthias (5); Pulliainen, Jouni (1) 1: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland; 2: Gamma Remote Sensing, Switzerland; 3: Environment Canada, Canada; 4: Université de Sherbrooke; 5: Eurepean Space Agency, ESA, ESRIN
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Paper 1961 - Session title: Permafrost and Freshwater Ice
13:30 Cold-regions river flow from near-simultaneous space imagery
Kääb, Andreas (1); Abrams, Michael (2); Nolan, Matt (3); Prowse, Terry (4); Beltaos, Spyros (5) 1: University of Oslo, Norway; 2: Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA; 3: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA; 4: Water and Climate Impacts Research Centre, Environment Canada/University of Victoria; 5: National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada
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Paper 2278 - Session title: Permafrost and Freshwater Ice
13:50 An assessment of permafrost long-term monitoring sites with circumpolar satellite derived datasets
Bartsch, Annett (1); Kroisleitner, Christine (2); Heim, Birgit (3) 1: Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Austria; 2: University of Graz, Austria; 3: Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
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Permafrost and Freshwater Ice
Back2016-05-10 13:10 - 2016-05-10 14:50
Chairs: Surdu, Cristina - Bartsch, Annett