Paper 351 - Session title: Wetlands
14:10 GlobWetland Africa: Implementing Sustainable Earth Observation Based Wetland Monitoring Capacity in Africa and Beyond
Tottrup, Christian (1); Riffler, Michael (2); Wang, Tiejun (3); Stelzer, Kerstin (4); Bauer-Gottwein, Peter (5); Paganini, Marc (6) 1: DHI GRAS, Denmark; 2: GeoVille, Austria; 3: ITC, Netherlands; 4: Brockmann Consult, Germany; 5: DTU-ENV, Denmark; 6: European Space Agency
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Paper 670 - Session title: Wetlands
13:30 User-needs driven wetland observation – do satellite-based services respond to actual user and policy requirements?
Schröder, Christoph (1); Fitoka, Eleni (2); Flink, Stephan (3); Strauch, Adrian (4) 1: Universidad de Malaga - European Topic Centre, Spain; 2: Greek Biotope Wetland Centre (EKBY), Greece; 3: Wetland International; 4: University of Bonn, Germany
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Paper 755 - Session title: Wetlands
13:10 Towards a Global Wetland Observation System
Strauch, Adrian (1); Flink, Stephan (2); Fujimoto, Nobuyoshi (3); Geller, Gary (4); Grobicki, Ania (5); Hilarides, Lammert (2); Muro, Javier (1); Paganini, Marc (6); Rosenqvist, Ake (3); Weise, Kathrin (7) 1: University of Bonn; 2: Wetlands International; 3: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA); 4: Group on Earth Observations (GEO); 5: Ramsar Convention Secretariat; 6: European Space Agency (ESA); 7: Jena-Optronik GmbH
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Paper 1088 - Session title: Wetlands
14:30 The Satellite-based Wetland Observation Service (SWOS) – Wise use of wetlands supported by Earth observations
Weise, Kathrin (1); Huettich, Christian (1); van Valkengoed, Eric (2); Franke, Jonas (3); Thulin, Susanne (4); Eberle, Jonas (5); Abdul Malak, Dania (6); Schroeder, Christoph (6); Strauch, Adrian (7); Fitoka, Eleni (8); Guelmami, Anis (9); Mino, Eric (10); Flink, Stephan (11); Hilarides, Lammert (11); Knezevic, Tina (12); Danks, Fiona (13); Ling, Matthew (13) 1: Jena-Optronik GmbH, Germany; 2: TerraShere, Netherlands; 3: Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH, Germany; 4: Brockmann Geomatics, Sweden; 5: Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany; 6: University of Malaga, Spain; 7: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilheln University of Bonn, Germany; 8: Ekby, Greece; 9: Foundation Tour du Valat, France; 10: EMWIS / SEMIDE, France; 11: Stichting Wetlands International, Netherlands; 12: IUCN, Belgium; 13: UNEP-WCMC, Great Britain
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Paper 1494 - Session title: Wetlands
13:50 Wetlands monitoring using spatial indicators derived from EO data: experience from the Mediterranean Wetlands Observatory
Guelmami, Anis (1); Perennou, Christian (1); Weise, Kathrin (2); Fytoka, Eleni (3); Abdulmalak, Dania (4) 1: Tour du Valat, France; 2: Jena Optronik, Germany; 3: EKBY, Greece; 4: University of Malaga, Spain
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