Paper 866 - Session title: Forest Biomass
10:10 GLOBBIOMASS Regional Case Studies - Preparing the Ground for Global Forest Biomass Mapping
Balzter, Heiko (1); Rodriguez-Veiga, Pedro (1); Tansey, Kevin (1); Quegan, Shaun (2); Carreiras, Joao (2); Persson, Henrik J. (3); Fransson, Johan E.S. (3); Hoscilo, Agata (4); Ziolkowski, Dariusz (4); Dabrowska-Zielinska, Katarzyna (4); Stereńczak, Krzysztof (5); Englhart, Sandra (6); Stängel, Matthias (6); Siegert, Florian (6); Avitabile, Valerio (7); Mermoz, Stephane (8); Bouvet, Alexandre (8); Le Toan, Thuy (8); Carvalhais, Nuno (9); Soja, Maciej (10); Eriksson, Leif (10); Santoro, Maurizio (11); Pathe, Carsten (12); Schmullius, Chris (12) 1: University of Leicester, United Kingdom; 2: University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; 3: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden; 4: Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland; 5: Forest Research Institute, Poland; 6: Remote Sensing Solutions, Germany; 7: Wageningen University Research, The Netherlands; 8: CESBIO, France; 9: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany; 10: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; 11: Gamma Remote Sensing, Switzerland; 12: Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
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Paper 1147 - Session title: Forest Biomass
11:30 The packing of trees in forests and its implications for remote sensing
Taubert, Franziska (1); Jahn, Markus (2); Dobner, Hans-Juergen (3); Wiegand, Thorsten (1); Huth, Andreas (1) 1: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany; 2: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT, Germany; 3: University of Applied Science – HTWK Leipzig, Germany
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Paper 1203 - Session title: Forest Biomass
10:50 El Niño 2015 Damage Assessment: Estimation of Fire Affected Areas and Carbon Emissions in Kalimantan
Englhart, Sandra (1); Stängel, Matthias (1); Siegert, Florian (1,2) 1: Remote Sensing Solutins GmbH, Germany; 2: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany
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Paper 1253 - Session title: Forest Biomass
11:10 Towards a Global In Situ Forest Biomass Database and a Strategy for Validation of Global Biomass Maps
Avitabile, Valerio (1); Schepaschenko, Dmitry (5); Balzter, Heiko (2); Carreiras, Joao (3); Carvalhais, Nuno (4); Chave, Jérôme (8); Davies, Stuart James (9); Dresel, Christopher (10); Fritz, Steffen (5); Perger, Christoph (5); Herold, Martin (1); Lewis, Simon L. (11); Phillips, Oliver (12); Quegan, Shaun (3); Rodriguez Veiga, Pedro (2); Tansey, Kevin (2); Schmullius, Christiane (7); Scipal, Klaus (13); Seifert, Frank-Martin (6) 1: Wageningen University, Netherlands, The; 2: University of Leicester, UK; 3: University of Sheffield, UK; 4: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany; 5: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria; 6: ESA-ESRIN, Italy; 7: University of Jena, Germany; 8: Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France; 9: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, USA; 10: Spatial Focus GmbH, Austria; 11: University College London, UK; 12: University of Leeds, UK; 13: ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands
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Paper 2214 - Session title: Forest Biomass
10:30 A Biomass Map of African Savannas and Woodlands at a Resolution of 50 meters using ALOS PALSAR Mosaics
Bouvet, Alexandre (1); Mermoz, Stephane (1); Le Toan, Thuy (1); Villard, Ludovic (1); Mathieu, Renaud (2) 1: CESBIO, France; 2: CSIR, South Africa
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Forest Biomass
Back2016-05-12 10:10 - 2016-05-12 11:50
Chairs: Quegan, Shaun - Rodriguez-Veiga, Pedro