Paper 340 - Session title: Ocean Currents 2
16:00 Wavemill Product Assessment – Defining products and evaluating potential performance from a novel spaceborne interferometric SAR
Cotton, David (1); Gommenginger, Christine (2); Martin, Adrien (2); Marquez, José (3); Burbidge, Geoff (3); Quilfen, Yves (4); Chapron, Bertrand (4); Reppucci, Antonio (5); Buck, Christopher (6) 1: Satellite Oceanographic Consultants Ltd, United Kingdom; 2: National Oceanography Centrem United Kingdom; 3: Airbus Defence and Space, United Kingdom; 4: Ifremer, France; 5: Starlab, Spain; 6: ESA/ESTEC
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Paper 442 - Session title: Ocean Currents 2
15:40 An Ocean Surface Current Mission for Earth Explorer 9: Opportunities and challenges
Gommenginger, Christine; Martin, Adrien National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom
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Paper 1340 - Session title: Ocean Currents 2
16:20 Numerical autofocusing algorithms to improve SAR images of the ocean surface in the presence of breaking waves, using composite-surface models and ATI configurations
Pérez Pérez, Fabricio Otoniel (1); López-Dekker, Paco (2); Rodriguez-Cassola, Marc (2); Ocampo Torres, Francisco Javier (3); Hasimoto Beltrán, Rogelio (1) 1: Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT), Mexico; 2: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Germany; 3: CICESE, Mexico
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Paper 1760 - Session title: Ocean Currents 2
16:40 Improved measurements of sea surface velocity from Envisat ASAR and Sentinel-1
Hansen, Morten Wergeland (1); Engen, Geir (2); Johnsen, Harald (2); Johannessen, Johnny A. (1); Korosov, Anton (1) 1: NERSC, Norway; 2: Norut, Norway
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Paper 2375 - Session title: Ocean Currents 2
15:20 New algorithm strategy to interpret SAR high resolution information
Chapron, Bertrand (1); Collard, Fabrice (2); Mouche, Alexis (1) 1: IFREMER, France; 2: Ocean Data Lab, France
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