Paper 141 - Session title: Waves and Currents
11:10 Dynamic validation of Envisat ASAR derived ocean swell against directional buoy measurements in Pacific Ocean
Wang, He (1,2); Mouche, Alexis (2); Husson, Romain (3); Chapron, Bertrand (2) 1: National Ocean Technology Center, China, People's Republic of; 2: Institut Francais pour la Recherche et l’Exploitation de la Mer, Plouzane, France; 3: Collecte Localisation Satellites, Plouzane, France
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Paper 188 - Session title: Waves and Currents
10:10 Derivation of sea surface current field using TanDEM-X biastatic and pursuit monostatic data
Li, Xiao-Ming; Ren, Yongzheng Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of
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Paper 274 - Session title: Waves and Currents
11:30 SAR imaging of Wave Tails: recognition of second mode internal wave patterns and some mechanisms of their formation.
da Silva, Jose Carlos B. (1); Magalhaes, Jorge M. (1); Buijsman, Maarten C. (2); Garcia, Carlos A.E. (3) 1: University of Porto, Portugal; 2: University of Southern Mississippi; 3: Federal University of Rio Grande
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Paper 728 - Session title: Waves and Currents
10:50 Partitioning ocean wave spectra obtained from SAR observations or from the future real aperture wave scatterometer SWIM on CFOSAT
Delaye, Lauriane (1); Vergely, Jean-Luc (2); Hauser, Danièle (1); Guitton, Gilles (3); Mouche, Alexis (4); Tison, Céline (5) 1: LATMOS/CNRS, France; 2: ACRI-ST, France; 3: OceanDataLab, France; 4: LOS/Ifremer, France; 5: CNES, France
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Paper 2311 - Session title: Waves and Currents
10:30 Status on Waves Measurements with Sentinel-1 A
Mouche, Alexis (1); Collard, Fabrice (2); Johnsen, Harald (3); Wang, He (4); Guitton, Gilles (2); Chapron, Bertrand (1); Queffeulou, Pierre (1); Husson, Romain (5); Stopa, Justin (1) 1: IFREMER, France; 2: OceanDataLab, France; 3: NORUT, Norway; 4: NOTC, China; 5: CLS, France
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Waves and Currents
Back2016-05-11 10:10 - 2016-05-11 11:50
Chairs: OCAMPO-TORRES, Francisco - Aouf, Lotfi