Paper 1042 - Session title: Spot5Take5: CNES-ESA simulate Sentinel-2 1
08:00 Lessons Learned from the SPOT (Take5) Experiments: Simulations of Sentinel-2 Time Series on 195 Sites
Hagolle, Olivier (1); Sylvander, Sylvia (2); Behague, Martine (2); Hoersch, Bianca (3); Koetz, Benjamin (3); Huc, Mireille (1); Clesse, Dominique (4); Desjardins, Camille (2); Rodriguez, Karl (5) 1: CESBIO, France; 2: CNES, France; 3: ESA/ESRIN; 4: Cap Gemini, France; 5: Steria, France
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Paper 1429 - Session title: Spot5Take5: CNES-ESA simulate Sentinel-2 1
08:40 Time Series Analysis with CadasterENV
Rosengren, Mats (1); Jönsson, Camilla (1); Paganini, Marc (2) 1: Metria AB, Sweden; 2: ESA, ESRIN, Italy
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Paper 1946 - Session title: Spot5Take5: CNES-ESA simulate Sentinel-2 1
09:20 Estimating the Seasonal Glacier Flow-field Evolution of Kronebreen from the Spot5-take5 Campaign
Altena, Bas; Kääb, Andreas University of Oslo, Norway
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Paper 2263 - Session title: Spot5Take5: CNES-ESA simulate Sentinel-2 1
08:20 Sentinel-2 for Agriculture Project: SPOT5-Take 5 Data Set to Anticipate Sentinel-2 Exploitation for Agriculture Monitoring Applications
Bellemans, Nicolas (1); Arias, Marcela (2); Bontemps, Sophie (1); Dedieu, Gerard (2); Guzzonato, Eric (3); Hagolle, Olivier (2); Inglada, Jordi (2); Morin, David (2); Rabaute, Thierry (3); Savinaud, Mickael (3); Koetz, Benjamin (4); Defourny, Pierre (1) 1: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium; 2: CESBIO, France; 3: CS Systèmes d'Information, France; 4: European Space Agency, Italy
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Paper 2538 - Session title: Spot5Take5: CNES-ESA simulate Sentinel-2 1
09:00 Fertility Mapping in Sudano-Sahelian Agrosystems: an Integrated Approach based on Seasonal Digital Globe and SPOT-5 Take5 Time-series
Blaes, Xavier (1); Lambert, Marie-Julie (1); Chomé, Guillaume (1); Traore, Pierre Sibiry (2); Defourny, Pierre (1) 1: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium; 2: ICRISAT, Mali
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Spot5Take5: CNES-ESA simulate Sentinel-2 1
Back2016-05-12 08:00 - 2016-05-12 09:40
Chairs: Hoersch, Bianca - Sylvander, Sylvia