Paper 144 - Session title: Data Preservation and Valorisation
14:20 Offering long-term dynamic archives of data : a use case on ocean
Piollé, Jean-François (1); Fisher, Peggy (2) 1: Ifremer, France; 2: ESA/ESRIN, Italy
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Paper 254 - Session title: Data Preservation and Valorisation
14:40 The need for long term SAR data preservation
Prati, Claudio; Rocca, Fabio Politecnico di Milano, Italy
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Paper 296 - Session title: Data Preservation and Valorisation
15:20 The ALTS project: everything you always wanted to know about ATSR (but were afraid to ask)
Casadio, Stefano (1,2); Burini, Alessandro (2,3); Dinelli, Bianca Maria (4); Castelli, Elisa (4); Papandrea, Enzo (4); Clarke, Hannah (5); Beaton, Alasdhair (5); Mackin, Stephen (6); Bojkov, Bojan (2) 1: SERCO, Italy; 2: ESA-ESRIN; 3: RHEA; 4: CNR-ISAC-Bologna; 5: Telespazio-Vega; 6: EOSense
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Paper 378 - Session title: Data Preservation and Valorisation
14:00 The Scatterometer Instrument Competence Centre (SCIRoCCo): project’s activities and first achievements
Crapolicchio, Raffaele (1); Bigazzi, Alberto (2); Neyt, Xavier (3); Stoffelen, Ad (4); Wagner, Wolfgang (5); De Chiara, Giovanna (6) 1: ESA, Italy; 2: Serco Spa, Italy; 3: RMA. Belgium; 4: KNMI, The Netherlands; 5: TUWIEN, Austria; 6: ECMWF, UK
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Paper 1402 - Session title: Data Preservation and Valorisation
15:00 Long-term data records of Essential Climate Variables derived from AVHRR – pitfalls and promises
Wunderle, Stefan (1); Hüsler, Fabia (1); Sütterlin, Melanie (2); Lieberherr, Gian (1); Neuhaus, Christoph (2); Albani, Mirko (3) 1: Institute of Geography, Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Switzerland; 2: Institute of Geography, University of Bern, Switzerland; 3: ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy
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Data Preservation and Valorisation
Back2016-05-09 14:00 - 2016-05-09 15:40
Chairs: Albani, Mirko - Rocca, Fabio